Welcome to Quantum Sensor Optimization’s documentation!

qsensoropt is a framework that has been created to automate a broad class of optimizations that can be found in the tasks of quantum parameter estimation, quantum metrology and quantum hypothesis testing. It works both for Bayesian estimation as well as for point estimation. qsensoropt is based on model-aware Reinforcement Learning with policy gradient.

Getting Started


qsensoropt is a framework written in Python and based on Tensorflow. Its typical use case is to train a neural network to optimally control a quantum sensor. The framework is based on the interaction of the three classes that are PhysicalModel, Simulation, and ParticleFilter.


The user is required to create a new class with the description of the quantum probe that inherits either from StatefulPhysicalModel or StatelessPhysicalModel according to whether the probe is stateless (meaning that its state is reinitialized after each encoding and measurement) or stateful (the measurements affect each other through the quantum backreaction on the probe). In this class the user must define the methods count_resources(), perform_measurement(), model(), and initialize_state() (this last one is only needed if the model is stateful).

If the system model is not representable analytically in a compact form, it it possible to use a neural network that has been calibrated to reproduce the statistics of the physical system, thereby implementing both applications of machine learning to quantum metrology that have been described in the literature 0.

Having specified the physics of the probe the user is now asked to define a class specifying how the particle filter should interact with the neural network and what is the error in the metrological task. This is done by deriving either the class StatefulSimulation or StatelessSimulation and by implementing the two methods generate_input() and loss_function().

If the users tasks is a typical quantum metrological problem, where the loss is the Mean Square Error, and where we want the neural network to produce the optimal control based on the first and second moments of the particle filter, then it is possible to use directly the classes StatelessMetrology or StatefulMetrology for the simulation, without the need of defining a new class.

At this point we are ready to instantiate the classes created, passing to the constructors the parameters to tune the estimation.

At this point having specified the details of the physical model and of the simulation, the user is ready to instantiate the two define class and the ParticleFilter. Calling then the function train() on the simulation will train the network in controlling the sensor, while the function performance_evaluation() evaluates its performances


Advanced Photonics, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 020501 (March 2023).

API documentation

All of the APIs are documented here


Several examples can be found in this repository


We gratefully acknowledge computational resources of the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) at SNS.

Indices and tables